Author: Shawn Tacey

Shawn Tacey 0 Comment(s)
The Big Reveal – We are all Human Beings

The unheard of, the unimaginable and the “this cannot be happening” has occurred and continues to occur.  It seems like the Corona Virus, through some magical spell or curse, has transported our lives to Bill Murray’s Ground Hog Day.  Every day the news is the same, our actions and behaviors seem the same, and our […]

Shawn Tacey 0 Comment(s)
The Rise of the Rest of Us

The Rise of the Rest of Us – How Middle-Weight Cities Can Rebuild America America is crumbling and it needs to be rebuilt.  In their book “The New Localism”, Bruce Katz and Jeremy Nowak make the case that it will be the middle-weight cities that will lead the way in rebuilding our country, and I […]

Shawn Tacey 0 Comment(s)
Caused Based Economy – Fad, Fiction or Revolution

There’s been a fundamental change in consumer behavior over the past several years.  That change is a shift in consumer motivation, from deals and convenience, to causes and values.  This generational shift in consumer values is being driven by the worldviews of Millennials and Generation Z’s and their growing awareness of the threats posed by […]

Shawn Tacey 0 Comment(s)
The Millennial Truth

I remember the day that I awoke to the inescapable truth of the economic and social  consequences that will befall the Millennial Generation and the generations to follow.  At first, I was angry that the Boomers and Gen X generations sealed the Millennials destiny, and then I realized that I was complicit.  In an effort […]

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